Perfect Income And Expenditure Account Of Non Profit Organisation Is A

The basic features of income and expenditure account are as under.
Income and expenditure account of non profit organisation is a. Prepare Income and expenditure account for the year ended December 31 2017 and a balance sheet as on that date after the following adjustments. Entrance Fee or Admission Fee is a revenue receipt and therefore is accounted as an income and credited to Income and Expenditure Account. The words Surplus of income over expenditure are used in place of net profit The words excess of expenditure over income are used in.
In Non Profit Accounting generally the following accounts are prepared at period end. Excess of income over expenditure of a Not-for-Profit Organisation is termed as surplus. For this purpose they prepare an Income and Expenditure Account which is similar to a Profit and Loss Ac of profit seeking entity.
Insurance premium was paid in advance for three months. Receipts and Payments Accounts and Income Expenditure Accounts of Non-profit organisations. It is prepared with the objective of finding out the surplus or deficit arising out of current incomes over current expenses.
A Balance Sheet is also prepared in order to show the financial position of the non-profit organization. It was decided to treat one-third of the amount received on account of donation as income. But it does not mean they may not.
The Income and Expenditure Account is simply another name for the Profit and Loss Account drawn up for a non-profit organisation. Iv Entrance Fees. An Income and Expenditure account records every revenue and expenditure of a non-trading organisation in a specific financial year.
I It is a nominal account and summarizes all expenditures and incomes of a non-profit organization. It is prepared on accrual basis of accounting. They are known as not-for-profit organization as their major purpose is not profit generation or profit maximization.